55 Hudson Yards @ Connie Zhou


Pure + FreeForm is a metal design studio specializing in bespoke finishes and aluminum cladding products for exterior and interior applications. They make customization cost effective, simple, and accessible to all projects, offering designers the unique opportunity to design a custom finish for their projects with no upcharge. Now, you can customize the color, texture, pattern, gloss, tone, to have a custom, one-of-a-kind metal panel.


Ceiling, Wall Panels & Millwork

External Links
Urban Office Represents Pure+FreeForm In

Northern NJ, NY Metro, Westchester, Connecticut

Pure+FreeForm Based In

Oakdale, MN


  • Squarespace Offices @ Magda Biernat - OTTO
  • Hudson Commons @ Phillip Reed
  • 20 Hudson Yards @ Brennan Photo & Video, Connie Zhou
  • 2 Waterline Square @ Raimund Koch
  • Sony Square @ Brennan Photo & Video
  • POD Hotel @ Brennan Photo & Video